Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday my Love!

On this day 38 years ago my sweet husband was born. So here is a tribute to my wonderful man...

...38 reasons why I love you (but not limited to these)...

38. You love to say that you are almost 40, and have since you turned... what...I don't know maybe 30!

37. That you love telling the story of chasing the coke down the river in Germany...and you actually got it. Or the turkey hitting your truck story

36. You could care less what the house looks like

35. You are a really good gift giver

34. Watching you with our little girl and seeing that look of love in your eye, and believing that she is treated just the same as the rest

33. You love to be in front of people and entertain

32. The way you hug me a squeeze me tight

31. I love that you are just a vanilla man

30. I love that (even though I don't quite agree) that you have to tell people that I was 45 minutes late to our first date...

29. ...and that you waited in the parking lot instead of leaving

28. I love that you help to get me places on time

27. I love that you always give me "just a sip" of whatever you are drinking

26. I love your good looks

25. I love your grilled cheese sandwiches...

24. ...that you will give me the center bite of yours

23. I love to hear you sing

22. I love watching you play football and wrestle with the kids

21. I love that you are so stubborn...but will admit when you are wrong

20. I love that you will unload the dishwasher so I don't have to

19. That you went to all the doctors visits with all the pregnancies, and you try not to miss the kids appointments now

18. I love that you make all my signs for my consignment sale...

17. ...and that you can handle being a single Dad during it

16. You make me smoothies in the morning

15. First thing you do when you get home, and the last thing you do before you leave is kiss me!

14. Mt. Dew is your beverage of choice

13. You are such a family man

12. I love that you will put bows and pig tails in Pipi's hair

11. That you gave up coaching just to spend more time with us...and that you are perfectly okay without it

10. That you give me potted flowers for our anniversary that I can see come to life again each year

9. You let me have "my time away days" whenever I need them and never question why

8. I love that you will take all 4 kids hiking and to the movies all in the same day...

7. ...and take pictures and post them on the blog

6. You don't "have to" watch football on T.V.

5. You really don't care what I fix for dinner, and you will eat whatever we have

4. I love that you know exactly when to take the kids "out" for an hour or so

3. Your ever so cute view from the rear

2. That you will warm up my side of the bed when you get in before me

1. That you are still madly in love with me


jlindsey said...

What sweet words about your sweet husband! Happy Birthday!!

Garretts said...

hands down your sweetest blog entry yet. i love, love, love the new pics of the family!