Sunday, August 29, 2010


I know it has been a while since I have blogged. You see I get so far behind, and I have so much that I want to blog about that I don't know where to begin so I just don't do anything!

These pictures are from the beginning of August when I went to a MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) convention in Orlando! It was a great weekend. We actually left on my Birthday and spent the WHOLE day driving. I guess I can't complain about my Birthday this year since I was the one not around. Jeff and the kids celebrated with me when I got home and it was very sweet.

So here are some pictures of the group of girls that I went with. They agreed to play along with my silly camera games! We stayed in the Gaylord Palms hotel which was amazing. I could do a post on that alone.

BORING! Anyone can pose like this! See aren't the silly camera game pictures more interesting?? It had been a while since I had played, but it was fun! You should try it!

1 comment:

Little fish, Big pond said...

Yay! Camera games! I love the shots.